Discover the Art of Meditation in Phuket

what is Meditation?

The Essence and Benefits of Meditation Practice

Meditation in Phuket at our studio is more than a practice; it's a journey towards self-discovery and inner peace. Through guided sessions, we explore various meditation techniques, from focused attention to mindful breathing, each tailored to help you navigate the stresses of modern life and connect with your inner self. Our approach is suitable for everyone, offering a peaceful refuge for beginners and seasoned practitioners alike. Engaging in regular meditation practice can lead to significant improvements in stress reduction, enhanced emotional well-being, increased focus and concentration, and a deeper sense of overall happiness and contentment.

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Meditation stands at the core of original yoga practice, predating the physical postures (asanas) that many associate with yoga today. Historically, yoga was primarily a spiritual and mental discipline, with meditation being the central technique for achieving enlightenment and self-realization. The physical postures, developed much later, were initially intended to strengthen the body and enhance stamina, enabling practitioners to sit in meditation for extended periods without discomfort.

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, a seminal text in the yoga tradition, places significant emphasis on meditation, outlining it as a key practice in the journey towards achieving the state of "Yoga," or union of the individual consciousness with the universal consciousness. Patanjali's eight limbs of yoga culminate in samadhi, a state of intense concentration and meditation, highlighting the importance of meditation as the ultimate goal of yoga practice.

At the heart of our meditation offerings in Phuket is Mindfulness Meditations, this includes a variety of techniques that encourages living fully in the present moment, free from judgment. These techniques teach you to observe thoughts, feelings, and sensations without attachment, fostering a state of calm detachment and clarity. Hatha Yoga's focus on physical postures and breath control serves as a grounding introduction, preparing the body and mind for deeper meditation. Tantra Yoga, with its rich practices of visualization, mantra chanting, and energy work, offers tools for exploring consciousness and connecting with the subtle aspects of our being. Mindfulness meditations are known for its ability to reduce stress, improve mental health, and enhance quality of life. Our classes guide you through the principles of mindfulness, using breath and body awareness as anchors to the present, making it accessible and beneficial for practitioners of all levels, from those new to meditation to experienced meditators looking to deepen their practice.

Meditations: A Path to Present Moment Awareness

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Meditation: The Heart of Original Yoga Practice

Applying Ancient Principles in Modern Meditation

In our Phuket studio, we bridge the ancient wisdom of yoga with the needs of contemporary practitioners through our meditation classes. By integrating principles from the Yoga Sutras, such as Dharana (concentration) and Dhyana (meditation), into our sessions, we offer a practice deeply rooted in tradition yet relevant to modern life. These sessions focus on cultivating a single-pointed focus, leading to Dhyana, where the mind becomes still and absorbed in the object of meditation.

This process is facilitated through various techniques, including mantra repetition, breath awareness, and guided visualizations, making the profound teachings of the Yoga Sutras accessible and practical for today's seekers of peace and mindfulness.

The philosophy of the Yoga Sutras extends beyond our meditation cushion; it offers a framework for living with greater awareness, compassion, and purpose. In our classes, we explore how the concepts of Yamas and Niyamas — ethical guidelines like non-harming, truthfulness, and contentment — can be incorporated into daily life, enhancing personal growth and interpersonal relationships.

By applying these principles, practitioners find that meditation becomes not just a practice but a way of life, enriching their experiences and interactions. Our aim is to empower individuals to carry the peace and clarity gained during meditation into every aspect of their lives, embodying the true essence of yoga as outlined by Patanjali.

The Yoga Sutras in Daily Practice: Beyond the Mat




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I’m a Certified Health Coach and Yoga Instructor that knows not one size fits all. I’m big on mindful living and can help you find healthier choices in food and life. I use the way of Moksha, taking you to a balanced sense of fulfillment through a series of explorative practices.


Meet Sarah

I’m helping busy, success-driven people like you to discard the all-or-nothing mentality of diets and competitive buzz of modern life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can meditation help with stress and anxiety?

Yes!  Meditation is highly effective in reducing stress and anxiety.

It works by shifting the body's response to stress from a state of alertness and defense to one of calm and relaxation. Regular meditation practice has been shown to decrease cortisol levels, the body's stress hormone, and improve symptoms of anxiety disorders, making it a valuable tool for emotional health.

At Moksha Wellness Yoga Studio in Phuket, we offer a wide variety of classes that include meditation.  Join our group sound healing, qigong, meditation and yoga classes to start your practice now.


Is it normal for my mind to wander during meditation?

Absolutely, it's very normal for the mind to wander during meditation, especially for beginners.

The practice of meditation isn't about stopping thoughts but rather noticing when your mind has wandered and gently bringing your focus back to your chosen point of attention, such as your breath. This process of noticing and returning enhances your ability to concentrate and remain present.

Our instructors will guide you through various techniques using breath, visualization, mantra and more to help trap the monkey mind.  Thoughts will still come and go but meditation helps to change the behavior of your thoughts and your reactions to them.


Do I need to sit in a specific posture to meditate?

No you don't!  While traditional meditation postures include sitting on the floor with legs crossed, what's most important is that you're comfortable and your spine is straight. This can be achieved by sitting on a chair, cushion, or meditation bench. The goal is to maintain a posture that allows for alertness without strain, promoting the flow of energy and concentration.

At Moksha Wellness Yoga Studio Phuket, we offer lots of options to help you be as comfortable as possible. We have meditation cushions, pillows and blocks.  You can certainly lay down or lean against the wall as well.  



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