
My Top 5 Guided Meditations

July 24, 2019





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I can help you, a busy, success-driven person
rediscover your health, wellbeing and zest for life

Meet Sarah


Meditation isn’t something that came naturally to me.  Most people assumed that because I was a yoga teacher I automatically had a meditation practice.  I was initially drawn to the physical parts of yoga but as the years and myself unfolded I have now expanded into a regular meditation practice.  I was desperate to cure my IBS and gastritis symptoms and meditation helped me get to the root of the cause which was largely stress. I initially started with breath work meditations, next I moved to chanting mantras and now I enjoy a variety of different guided meditation variations. Try them all out and find what type of meditation speaks to you.

My Top 5 Guided Meditations

  1. Deepak & Oprah – They have various 21 day themed guided meditations.  Download the app and find one that speaks to you or check out the free versions that are on Youtube.  As you listen, practice deep breathing slowly in and out matching your inhales to your exhales. Try laying down if you feel too restless for sitting down.  Or if sitting, use a pillow or cushion so you aren’t putting strain on your hip flexors.

  2. Kelly Howell – She has different options but I really enjoy this sleep meditation. Even if you fall asleep while it’s going you are still reaping the benefits as the music syncs with the brain waves in your subconscious.   I’ve heard mixed reviews from clients but the people that resonate with it melt into a dreamy sleep!

  3. Chakra Cleansing – This specific meditation was given to me by a healer I did a light therapy session with.  I like how it moves through all the Chakras instead of only focusing on one. I chant along the whole way through the Chakra journey but you can breathe deeply and visualize energy moving around and through each Chakra too.

  4. Guided BreathWork – This one is only 5 minutes long so it’s easy to weave into your day.  I started my meditation practice through breath work. I would set my cell phone timer for 2-5 minutes at a time and move through various breath exercises.  If you would like to try other stress relieving techniques breathing techniques I recommend Alternative Nostril Breathing and Breath of Fire.

  5. Mantra Music – this is a playful musical mix I found on Spotify that contains 2-3 minute mantra mixes.  It’s easy to sing along to and something easier for people new to meditation to get into.

Like any new skill, your practice will evolve and grow as you do.  There is no right or wrong way to meditate. It doesn’t matter if you have 3 minutes or 20 minutes.  The key to reaping the benefits is consistency! There is no magic pill. The ‘magic pills’ can cause imbalances in other areas and mostly treat symptoms not root causes.  Isn’t it funny to think that all we have to do is STOP everything for a moment and breath in order to alleviate stress and find some peace? Why do us humans tend to make everything a little bit more complicated that it needs to be?  Change is either forced or initiated but one thing that is for sure is that it’s constant.

I encourage you to change up your routine by kick starting a 21 day meditation practice for a minimum of 3-5 minutes each day. The results for me have been life changing.  I’d love to hear what happens! Or schedule a free health consultation with me for one on one support to get your meditation practice started.

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