
What is Reiki: Learn The Health Benefits of Reiki

August 30, 2019





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I can help you, a busy, success-driven person
rediscover your health, wellbeing and zest for life

Meet Sarah


Reiki is a Japanese healing modality.

Reiki is a form of energy healing that uses little to no touching and can help to heal physical, emotional and mental suffering in the body.  The reiki practitioners hands move along the seven main chakras as a healing guide.

The seven main chakras run from the crown of your head down to your tailbone or bottom of your spine.  Each chakra represents a different energy center and is associated with specific organs and characteristics.

For example, there is a chakra point on your stomach called the solar plexus chakra.  This chakra is associated with your power and right to act. The digestive organs (small/large intestine, pancreas, stomach, spleen) are the relating physical body parts.  Characteristics of a balanced Solar Plexus is confidence, good self esteem, responsible, sense of purpose and personal power.  Characteristics of an imbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra are either deficiencies or excessiveness such as low energy, poor digestion, passive or aggressive, dominating, and competitive.

It’s important to stay curious and try new things.

As we go through life, it is important to be open to new ways of thinking and being.  I’ve experienced cranio sacral, light therapy, chakra healing and earlier this year I was fortunate to have had my first experience with reiki.

I opened my home to an experienced Reiki Master who help send me into a more blissful relaxed state of being.  She offered great insight but after a series of sessions I went back to my usual routine of acupuncture, yoga and meditation.  She told me that becoming trained in reiki isn’t only about treating others, reiki gives you the power to heal yourself.  I remember thinking, that’s great to know but I’ll call you when I want a session.

Fast forward about six months later, I started having more interest in Osho meditations and his philosophies.  One thing that really stuck with me he shared, is that we need to use physical forms of healing to heal the mind.  Western medicine gets hung up on healing the mind with non-physical modalities (i.e. therapy) but we need to heal mental and physical energies through the physical body too.

It makes perfect sense to me that the two go hand in hand and are connected… hello STRESS.  I think by now most of us understand that mental and emotional stress has extremely harmful physical effects but what are we doing about it?  This is where energy healing comes in. This idea got me thinking about reiki again.

I completed reiki level I and II certification courses at Orion Healing Center in Koh Phangan, Thailand.  It’s hard to put the experience into words but it was truly transformational.

Through reiki self healing, I’ve experienced; a greater awareness, a deeper connection to my emotions verse thoughts, and more relaxation.  As with all mindfulness activities, consistency is key. Something I’m trying to work out for myself now but when I take the time and fully surrender my energy to the healing art of reiki the effects are profound.

Other benefits of reiki include; relief from pain, anxiety and fatigue.  Reiki can be used to help treat insomnia, symptoms of depression, and boost your mood.

Everyone’s journey with healing is truly unique.  There is no one sized approach to overall wellness.  My approach focuses on much more than nutrition. There are several lifestyle factors that affect your overall health.  If you are curious for more schedule a free consultation with me.

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