
Why Work with a Health Coach?

June 9, 2019





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I can help you, a busy, success-driven person
rediscover your health, wellbeing and zest for life

Meet Sarah


Health Coach. It’s a term you will have seen popping up all over the place in recent years. But in this era where there are so many different types of coaches around and everyone and their uncle seems to be labelling themselves as an expert, I want to help you define exactly what a Health Coach is – and why you should work with one.

What is a Health Coach?

“A supportive mentor and wellness authority, helping clients feel their best through food & lifestyle changes.”

That’s the short answer! But often, that can throw up even more questions – so let’s delve into some of the more common ones.

Why do I need a Health Coach?

A Health Coach works alongside a traditional doctor to provide extra help where a doctor may be unable to. By providing specialized advice in several areas (such as emotional health, nutrition, exercise, lifestyle) a Health Coach brings a holistic or “whole person” view to health, rather than looking at one specific aspect. This is important because our health depends on a variety of factors which all need to be balanced.

You might need a Health Coach if you feel stuck in life. Perhaps you are mentally exhausted, physically sluggish, have long term digestive issues, chronic aches and pains or are stuck in the binge-diet eating cycle.

Whatever the issue, you want to regain that old vitality you once had but need help from someone who fully understands what you’re going through; has been there and come out the other side fit, healthy and glowing!

What is the difference between a Health Coach and a doctor?

A Health Coach does not diagnose or treat illnesses or diseases. They guide the development and progress towards your personal wellness goals.

Unlike a doctor or therapist, you will see a Health Coach for a minimum of 12 sessions over 6 months. You are on a tailor-made program designed to get you serious about your health and specific to YOUR needs.

Also, we tend to see a doctor only when we are already ill. A Health Coach can be seen as a preventative measure by helping you gain a strong body and mind BEFORE it starts to break down or weaken. The aim is to get you living a healthy lifestyle NOW, so you never even need to see a doctor in future – preventing huge medical costs, time and stress dealing with diseases and illness which are completely preventable.

What does a Health Coach do?

A Health Coach will identify your blocks, challenges and unconscious patterns in all areas, come up with a plan to work on these each day, then give you the tools you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle and support you through all the ups and downs.

Health Coaching is NOT dieting! Relationships, exercise, mental health and career are just as important to your health as the food you eat. Health Coaching is about lifestyle changes that will last long term – not a one-time instant “solution.”

Diets offer a restrictive style of eating that is not realistic over long periods. I encourage change through lifestyle so it creates permanent results.

Can a Health Coach give nutrition advice?

Yes! A good Health Coach does much more though. A nutritionist generally gives you a list of good and bad foods and sends you on your way. A Health Coach would help you look inward and truly connect with your body.

Together we identify which foods work for you and which don’t. No two people are alike so why would what or how you eat not be different too?

Are Health Coaches certified?

Not all are…….but you wouldn’t attempt to ski without help from a professional, right?

For most things we have little knowledge of, we hire an expert to help or train us. The same should apply to your health. You want a QUALIFIED coach. Someone you know has gone through training to deliver their service.

In my year long journey with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, I became a fully certified Health Coach with what is now the largest nutrition school in the world.

How I can help you?

Click this link for more details on my Moksha Coaching Program and how I can bring back the zest and vitality to your life.
